
統計碩士學位學程將於104年3月29日(星期二)舉辦統計學術演講,邀請到中央大學統計所 曾議寬所長蒞臨演講,

講題:An Extended Hazard Model with Longitudinal Covariates

講員:曾議寬 所長 中央大學統計所

時間:2016年3月29日星期二 下午 3:30 ~ 5:30



In clinical trials and other medical studies, it has become increasingly common to observe an event time of interest and longitudinal covariates simultaneously. In the literature, joint modelling approaches have been employed to analyze both survival and longitudinal processes and to investigate their association. However, these approaches focus mostly on developing adaptive and flexible longitudinal processes based on a prespecified survival model, most commonly the Cox proportional model. In this paper, we propose a general class of semi-parametric hazard regression models, termed extended hazard model, for the survival component. This class includes two popular survival models, the Cox proportional hazards model and the accelerated failure time model, as special cases. The proposed model is flexible for modelling event data, and its nested structure facilitates model selection for the survival component through likelihood ratio tests. A pseudo joint likelihood approach is proposed to estimate the unknown parameters and components through a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. Asymptotic theory for the estimators is developed together with theory for the semiparametric likelihood ratio tests. The performance of the procedure is demonstrated through simulation studies. A case study featuring data from a Taiwan HIV/AIDS cohort study further illustrates the usefulness of the extended hazard model.




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